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Susan Brown

Preparation Day

It’s Tuesday morning here, about 4:40 a.m.  We’ve been up for a while so, as you can see, we are still offtrack with our sleep schedule.  Yesterday was a disaster for me. I woke up, bright and chipper, at 1:30 a.m.  By the time we had breakfast I was ready for a nap.  The rest of the day I was worthless.  That can’t happen today, since the Bible school starts.

I was too tired to go shopping, so I don’t have any interesting tales to tell.  I did manage to get laundry done, though.  Paul hooked up the washer on the balcony.  The folks here don’t sit on the balcony. They use them as laundry rooms.  We actually have two balconies.  One we use to wash the clothes. The other has our handy-dandy drying rack.  It truly is a marvel — a metal contraption with lots of bars to drape the wet clothes on.

I did some preparation for the English class at the Bible school today.  It’s hard to do much, though, since I don’t know who I will have or how many, or what level of English they speak.  I have several ideas to try, though, and I’m excited about teaching.

Paul spent time in preparation, too, but he was able to be much more specific.  He has an orientation message for them from Luke 14.  He is so burdened to prepare these men to be true pastors.  So many churches lack pastors and the ones they have are mostly immature and easily led astray.  His heart is to teach them and strengthen them.   Please pray with us that the Lord will raise up men with a heart to learn and a heart to pastor.

And please pray for a good start for the school today.  We will be starting about 9 a.m., which will be about 8 p.m. the night before for you. (I know — it’s confusing!)  If you want to know what time it is here, you can just fast forward 13 hours.  At any rate, you can pray for our morning as you unwind this evening.


This is the view from our balcony. The red brick building is Central Mall where I shop.

This is the view from our balcony. The red brick building is Central Mall where I shop.

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