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Ha Leh Ja!

Susan Brown

Ya nyi ga mo da ve ha leh ja!!

That means, “I’m happy to see you today!”  I’m not exactly “seeing” you, but that’s as close as I can get in La hu to “I’m glad you are reading my blog.”

Every morning at 8:30 Ja Law shows up and patiently takes Paul and I through the La hu alphabet and teaches us phrases.  Paul always has a list of things he wants to say, so I’m afraid he plays havoc with Ja Law’s lesson plans.  He doesn’t seem to mind, though. His bright, black eyes sparkle as he teaches us and his particularly sweet smile is always in evidence during our lesson.  Ja Law is one of the more mature preachers — in his fifties I’m guessing. He has faithfully pastored the church Na Hui for some years.

I discovered when I went down to see the children off to school this morning that little Supucket, who is four years old, stayed home from school with a  runny nose and a slight fever.  Anond assured me that he is sick because he refused to put on his fleece pajamas last night and wouldn’t cover up and so got cold in the night.  Since I also would have refused fleece pajamas (vehemently!) and we slept under a fan last night without covers, I somehow doubt that is the case.

At any rate, a sick four-year-old shouldn’t be left to his own devices, so I brought him to our room to keep an eye on him today.  He has been super good — playing with the toys I keep here and looking at the books.  He entertained himself for a long time by arranging all the tiles from my Quirkle game  in order by color.  Now he is playing with my iPhone. That should keep him until after lunch.

And I thought I would do some more catching up on my blog while I’m here watching him.

On Monday just a small group of ladies showed up to learn truths from the story of Lot’s wife.  To be down to five after we’ve had a dozen was somewhat discouraging, but then we learned the rest of the story.

We had planned to go to a village near the border of Myanmar on Sunday. We were going to spend the night and so wouldn’t be here for the Bible study.  Because Se Bat left unexpectedly, we didn’t have any one to leave in charge of the children, and none of us thought it was a good idea to leave them alone.   Some of the ladies got the message, but others thought we would be gone.  Still others knew that Anond was suffering from laryngitis and thought we wouldn’t be meeting, since we can’t do anything without him.  We did cut the lesson short because I could tell his voice was beginning to fail him.  We’re thankful his voice is almost back to normal today.

We’re also thankful that Se Bat is back today.  Some misunderstandings were ironed out, so things look hopeful.

Simon left the same time Se Bat and his family did.  We assumed he left to celebrate Chinese New Years, but he has not yet returned.  Philip and his family are also gone.

All these things are discouraging, of course, but we know that doing God’s will isn’t always easy.  We expect to have people disappoint us. but the ones God is raising up are well worth the hassle.

And today (Wednesday) we have two new men!  The group which had grown so thin is larger today as more and more men come back from the village celebrations.  Paul isn’t at all despondent, pointing out that Jesus had twelve men — and spent most of his time with just three of them.  He would rather spend time discipling a few than teaching a big crowd.  We’re praying that God will send the ones He has prepared.  There is such a need for pastors!

I’ve included some pictures of the children, most of them from this morning.  I thought you might like to see what they eat for breakfast and see them heading out to school.  So Pic takes the younger ones in his “taxi” and Anond drops off the high school kids on his way to pick up the Camps at the condo.

My little ailing boy is getting restless, so I better post this and read him some stories.

Blessings from Thailand,


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