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Paul Brown

Paul’s Latest Prayer Letter

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

“See that young man on the back row,” Bro. Ai Donkham, my interpreter, said. “His father is a very influential leader among the Shan people. He is here because he is burdened to reach his people with the Gospel.” The Shan are one of the largest tribes in Myanmar. Pray for this young man and all these who have been coming to week-long Preachers’ Training which we have each month.

It was so evident again that we need our own place where we can have these men come for training and where we can train and educate the children as well. Please continue to pray with us about this need! Property is expensive, but the Lord owns it all and can give us just what we need.

We are thankful that Andy is recovering from his serious illness caused by a parasite in his brain. He spent one day in Intensive Care, three more days in a room, had two emergency room visits, and two follow up appointments, as well as a number of prescriptions.  While medical care is not as costly here as in the US, it was an expensive illness. We are thankful for faithful supporters who provided so this boy’s life could be saved.

We were especially thankful for Kimmy Hasselbusch during this time.  She kept the home running and continued teaching the kids while Susan stayed with Andy at the hospital and while we took him to his doctor’s appointments.

We continue to preach in the villages. We visited two Lisu villages last Sunday. The first has a good group and a faithful

We now are looking forward to the blessing of many Thanksgivings before us in Thailand and Myanmar.  I love this time in the villages. It is a time of preaching, singing, and cultural activities.  It’s a time of thanking God for the harvests, as it traditionally is in the US.  But no turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, or pumpkin pie shows up on the table.  I miss that part!

Thank you for your prayers and faithful and sacrificial support. May the Lord bless you! For Christ count everything but loss… Bro. paul

ps.  Since I sent this out we traveled to far northern Thailand, near the Myanmar border to the village of Bon Saw. We had a great Thanksgiving service there on Saturday. On Sunday I preached in two other villages to good crowds who were attentive and responsive.  We also gave out lots of medicine and more than 100 of the color books and crayons donated by children in America.


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