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Not Cursed — Blessed!

view from door

“He said – what?!!”

I couldn’t believe my ears. As most blog followers know, we have an adversary. Until recently, much of our time here has been spent in breaking down his kingdom of extortion and abuse. By God’s grace we have seen his influence and power crumbling and the churches standing up to the one they have feared for years.

The latest news (via jungle telegraph) is that this guy is saying publicly that my recent health issues are his work. He pronounced a curse on me for standing up to him, and as a result I had suffered.

Nope. Wrong on many counts.

True that I had a frightening week when I went blind in my right eye. It was as if a window shade was pulled down a bit lower every day. The doctor shrugged and prescribed more eye drops, saying that with glaucoma blindness can suddenly happen that way. Nothing to be done. A second opinion at another hospital brought a different diagnosis. Detached retina. Within a couple of days I was in surgery to repair it. Surgery went well, but I had a miserable 48 hours of extreme nausea in response to the anesthetic. Then I had to spend a week in an awkward face-down position, which caused damage to my ulnar nerve and lots of arm and hand pain. I still look like I’m ready for Halloween with a hideous red eye, and my hand is better, but still painful and not fully functional. (Trying to avoid words with “p” as my little finger can’t manage typing it.)

So – was I cursed? No. For one thing I don’t believe God gave this wicked man the ability to call down curses.

But mainly I have to say that God doesn’t send trials to His children to torment them. They are sent by Him to be a blessing.

How has being sidelined by pain and failing body parts been a good thing? First, because He has been with me through it all. I’ve felt His nearness. What is pain and inconvenience compared to the awareness of the Almighty God? He was by my side helping me through each stage of the illness.

Secondly, I experienced the loving care of my husband and my Thailand family. Paul had the heaviest load of my care, but everyone, even the children, eagerly did all they could to help. Usually I am the caregiver. What a joy to see that they, willingly and with love, reciprocated.

And my Christian family on the far side of the world was quick to come to my aid, too. My Facebook newsfeed and my message box were filled every day with encouraging messages and assurances that they and their churches were faithfully praying for me. Many gave sacrificially to help with medical expenses – which are now all covered.

Sometimes we can see clearly the purposes God has in our pain and troubles. Sometimes not until later – or maybe never. But a life surrendered to Him means that you trust Him in every circumstance, including the ones involving pain and difficulties. He is good. We who are His build our lives on that rock.

I don’t think our adversary reads my blog, but if he did I would tell him – curse fail!!! I am happy and blessed and more ready than ever to serve my wonderful God.

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