Susan Brown

Jan 24, 20133 min

Tuesday Encouragement

The birds are singing and the bees buzzing.  I’m afraid one is in our room.  Bee, that is.  It is 6:30 in the morning and I decided to write my blog while it is cool and quiet.  Yesterday I wrote to catch up for several days and found it a challenge.  Two little boys hung over my shoulder, watching me type.  They watched the words appear on the screen with as much fascination as if a television program was playing on it.

One of the little boys, Yo Bot,  is not one of the children’s home kids, exactly.  He is the adopted son of Philip and Fon, who are staying here for the Bible school.  Since he has no paperwork, he can’t go to school.  I haven’t figured out yet what he does all day.  I learned last night that he is 11 years old.  Yesterday was the first time he came with Arlong to hang out here.

Arlong is here with me much of the time.  We read our three books over and over every day.  (I’m REALLY wishing for some new ones.  Must send daughter Becky our address so she can send us new books!)  I had some writing and preparation to do, so he sat on the floor and played quietly with my Sorry game.  I found the game on the bargain table at Walmart and picked it up.  It turned out to be really pesky because you have to arrange the board with lego-like pieces before you play.  Arlong looked at the instruction paper and set up the board according to the picture. Not bad for a three-year-old.

I went back into Chiang Mai to post my blogs.  What a long ride that is!  Then I have to wait to come back until Anond is through with his errands.  Yesterday he had to deal with his truck, which is still not back from the shop.  It’s already been two weeks longer than the promised date.

Which reminds me — I discovered that we are not waiting on the people to install the Wifi.  We are waiting on the telephone company.  Someone stole the phone line off the poles!  They took about a quarter mile of line.  The WiFi will come through the phone line, so we have to wait until it is repaired. When will that happen?  They told Anond to call back next week.  After the phone line is replaced, we can start waiting on the WiFi people.

Please pray about this!  Paul calls folks back home every day on the cell for about 10 cents a minute, which I’m afraid is really adding up.  The cost for calling us from back home is way too much for anyone to contact us — although if anyone needs us, they can call and we will call back.  When we get WiFi, we can use our Magic Jack again and the calls will be free, both ways.  We also won’t have to go back to the condo to go online. That will save so much time!  Besides, that way I can go online when my friends and family are up, so we can keep in contact on Facebook.  No one is up yet when I get back to the condo in the afternoon.

I was so late getting back last night that Paul had to take my children’s English class.  I walked back through the orchard, feeling tired, and a little sad and homesick.   Class was just over and the kids met me as they were going back to their dorms.  When they saw me, they ran up and threw their arms around me.  I got a group hug from about 10 smiling kids.  How that lifted my heart!  The Lord knows when we need a hug.

I just heard the kids yelling “Good Morning!” as they rode past in the taxi on their way to school.  Paul must be walking out by the road.

Prayer requests:

For the phone company and the WiFi folks, so we can get online very soon.

For the students to come with prepared hearts.  We so want these men to be strong, stable pastors.  Paul and Bro. Camp are working earnestly to prepare them, but the Lord has to raise them up.

Blessings from Thailand,

