Susan Brown

May 23, 20183 min

Enjoying God’s Faithfulness

On second thought, she pulled it back and looked at it doubtfully.  Then she smiled, pulled off the doll’s head and handed me the decapitated body.  She went prancing off, holding the doll’s head in her hand, evidently content with the compromise.

Church members from a nearby village, Pasak One, had traveled over the mountain to be at the service, so we had a good group — probably around 30 people, not counting our troop. Lots of good singing, and then Paul preached with Brother Ai Donkham interpreting. The clear Gospel message never grows old! Paul brings it into every message, and it always blesses my heart.

Afterwards we handed out bags of over-the-counter medicines the tribal folks can’t easily

Then lunch set on a round metal table inside the church building because of the threatened rain. Usually we eat outside on the church porch and enjoy scenery you wouldn’t see at the fanciest of restaurants.

Then time to head back. Paul had just finished the tricky business of turning the truck around on the skinny slice of available parking space when the Pasak One pastor ran up, an adorable baby, about four months old, in his arms. My heart sank as Bro. Ai Donkham interpreted what he was saying. The baby’s parents had recently abandoned him. (Or her – I wasn’t sure which.) The parents divorced with the father going to Bangkok and the mother disappearing shortly after.

I just knew he would ask if we would take the baby. We can’t do it – but how do you say “no?” Such a beautiful, bright-eyed, smiling baby.

To my relief, we learned that the baby’s grandmother was caring for the child. She, like most tribal people, is poor. Could we help with a gift to buy milk? We gladly gave her the equivalent of about $60, which will feed the baby for weeks, at least. We were so happy to be able to do something for the sweet baby. Nutrition in the early months of life is critical. A relatively small amount now can make a lifetime of difference.

Some of my readers with empty arms are wondering if the baby can be adopted. The sad answer is an unequivocal “no.” The baby probably doesn’t have an ID. Even if all the paperwork was in place, adopting from Thailand is almost impossible because of laws made due to the problems with human trafficking.

But, again, we do what we can. Because of our faithful supporters, we were able to provide one the greatest immediate needs for the child – adequate nourishment.

Down the steep road we drove again. This trip was a little more nerve-wracking than normal because we took both trucks. William drove one of them for his first long-distance driving experience. He did fine, and we arrived back home in one piece.

Thank you for those who prayed for Andy – that he would adjust to homeschooling and attending the Thai informal school. Paul “happened” to run into Andy’s former soccer coach when he was picking the other kids up from school. The coach invited Andy to continue to play with the school team. That has made a huge difference in his happiness level, and was a definite answer to prayer. Please keep praying for Andy, and for me as I teach these kids.

Tuesday, Rusty’s wife Jemelle (pronounced like “Emily” with a “J”) came and supervised the kids for a few hours so I was able to go to Thai class. That’s another big answer to prayer. I came home to find the kids finished with their days’ schoolwork and ready to go to their tutoring session. What a blessing!

Paul is preparing for and looking forward to preachers’ training next week. It’s hot and rainy, so it will be steamy and damp

And please pray for me as I continue on here with my flock of teenagers while he is gone. I’m looking forward to having Jemelle’s help and company this time. She will stay here with us while Rusty goes with Paul to help by teaching English.

As I read over this blog, I saw a consistent theme – God is faithful and answers prayers. What an encouragement to keep asking and trusting! As long as He allows us to be here, we will continue on with confidence and joy. He is good!
